the only way is up

#7 things starting to fall into place

we started our giveaways and even started our preorders!!!

things are starting to look relatively good!!

managed to secure 19 orders from my father's friends - working adults!!

i guess they are also trying to be more open to more loud and cute designs!!!

It definitely was no easy feat to gather that amount of sales - i had to bring down one of the samples to my father's friends and start promoting the shorts to them.

I needed to give them perspectives that these designs can potentially become an in-trend kind of design and for the amount that they are paying it indeed is very worth it.

#6 Many things are coming our way

we have settled our designs for our shorts!! we even started to receive samples from our suppliers.

There were a couple of times where we needed to make certain amendments to the shorts ie. the shorts being too baggy.

I am glad that we managed to get these changes made ASAP.

We even started to source for our packaging materials!!!

#5 This is only the beginning

Upon all the surveys that we have conducted, and all the suppliers that we have contacted - we have finally gotten everything out! We just received our products - point to note: this is our first batch of pants that we are handling. We have already posted 3 posts on our apparels - giving followers a sneak peek of whatever we are going to offer to them. Furthermore, we are going to decide soon on when our photography shoots are going to be .

Really excited to see what is in store for us!!!

#4 we are finally getting started

We met today at northpoint to start rolling out our concrete plans .

We started off with our designs, where all of us sat down for hours, trying to decide what kind of look we are going for, the colours that we want our pants to be. All these required time . This was no easy feat as we needed to scrutinise on the design, so that it will be presentable when we send this for our surveys.

we even sat up our email and instagram accounts.

Through our meeting yesterday, i realised that time wasn't really in our favor, thus we realised that we needed a timeline.

Upon laying things out, we managed to squeeze everything within the timeline that we gave ourselves.

Last but not least, we need to ensure that our survey is concise enough for our surveyees to understand and give their input on the shorts, so that we know how to improve on them before sending for printing.

#3 We need to start making concrete plans

We have to start making concrete plans.

We need to start planning , so that executions can be done as well.

Need to start sourcing for suppliers and looking at the reviews of these suppliers. As starters, we need to learn the hardway , but really doing concrete researches.

We are currently in the midst of preparing the survey - we need to ensure that we have at least 5 designs to let our surveyees to pick from.

#2 the buzz and hustling is going to start

so finals is ending soon for all of us, and this means that we will be going to have to start on researching and sourcing for our products. There seems to be so many things on hand, but i am sure that we will get there ( one step at a time) . We have so many things on hand that are pending, for instance, we have to settle the designs, the suppliers, the influencers that we will be sponsoring and also the photo shoot. The list is never ending... but i am sure as long as we have a timeline, all these will be achievable in time to come.

#1 The only way is up

It has been a really tiring week. Having to rush out report and presentation slide is definitely no easy feat, but i am really glad that i could do it with a group that is so driven and yet empathising. I am glad how we are able to speak our minds and are not afraid to voice out when we see a problem.

Initially, we were kind of stuck when we were doing idea generation, but things got better when all of us gave our own inputs. It is pretty funny how we deviated from something cool and swaggy to settling for something cute instead.

Finished presentation on Saturday, and i got to say that i am actually proud of ourselves. We did relatively well and i realised that there is so much more to making our ideals to become reality. Definitely humbled through the presentation and i know there is so much more to execution. Really excited to see what is in for us after finals!